CircMedia: “Systems Thinking” Workshop

CircMedia: “Systems Thinking” Workshop

So much positive energy in our Circmedia: Systems thinking workshop where more than twenty youth from throughout Kosovo learned about Circular Economy.  During the workshop, participants read and analyzed case studies about Venlo and Amsterdam, which are leaders...
Data Visualization for Journalists

Data Visualization for Journalists

Young journalists partook in our workshop for creating surveys, databases, and data visualization, from the Keshif software. Under the leadership of Behar Xharra, co-founder of Keshif and Director of the operating system, the participants learned about “Small” and...
Training on in-depth and detailed interviews

Training on in-depth and detailed interviews

One of our guest speakers for this month is Vlora Basha Berisha, Managing Director of Kantar TNS Index Kosova. She is an experienced social and market researcher, who held a lecture for our participants about interviewing, crafting research questions, interviewing...