EU supports the development of Kosovo; plays a crucial role in promoting dialogue and reconciliation
“The European Union is not just a political and economic union. It is a peacebuilding project, created in the aftermath of World War II, with an aim to promote peace, stability and prosperity in Europe,” said today in Pristina the EU Ambassador in Kosovo,...
Winners of the 2023 EU Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Türkiye announced
The European Commission announced the 14 winners of the fifth EU Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Türkiye. This year’s award recognises achievements promoting the Roma inclusion dimension in the Digital Agenda and Green Economy. The award ceremony...
Missing persons, still an open wound in Kosovo
More than 20 years after the armed conflict in Kosovo, over 1,600 people who went missing during the war remain unaccounted for. It is a tragedy for thousands of relatives who have the right to know what happened to their beloved ones, and who are still coping with...
Kosovo’s economy shows resilience despite slowing growth
The economies of Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia haves surpassed pre-pandemic levels of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), despite the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, higher energy and food prices, unfavorable...

Every Village in Kosovo Now Connected to High-Speed Broadband Internet, with World Bank Support
Kosovo connected its last remaining non-connected village to high-speed broadband internet today, achieving one of...
European Union funds EUR 3.9 million Demining Action Project in Kosovo
The Demining Action project funded by the European Union worth EUR 3.9 million was launched today during an open-air...
Borell: Time to take responsibility and move towards the EU
The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, has announced that this Saturday,...

Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue: Establishment of Joint Monitoring Committee in line with Ohrid commitments
The EU, as the Facilitator of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, together with Kosovo and Serbia, as parties to the Dialogue on normalisation of their relations, have today...

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Cost-of-Living Crisis Dim Growth Prospects in Emerging Europe and Central Asia
Economic activity in the Europe and Central Asia region is likely to remain subdued this year due to the ongoing fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, persistent high inflation and tighter financial conditions, says the World Bank’s Economic Update for the...
UNDP: 28 solar professionals ready for the green job market
Moving towards a green economy creates the need for upskilling and reskilling Kosovo’s labour force to the changing needs of the labour market. In efforts to accelerate green transition, UNDP organized a pilot course for young jobseekers to gain practical skills and...
New EUR 62 million awarded: EU’s direct financial assistance to Kosovo exceeds EUR 1.3 billion
The EU Ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, handed over today in Pristina the 16th in a row annual Financing Agreement between the European Union and Kosovo under the EU’s Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) to Deputy Prime Minister, Besnik Bislimi. The...

EU and Kosovo Government award 45 new scholarships for Master’s studies to the current and future civil servants in Kosovo
The European Union and the Government of Kosovo awarded today in Pristina 45 new scholarships for Master's degree...
World Bank: Pace of reform toward equal rights for women falls to 20-year
The global pace of reforms toward equal treatment of women under the law has slumped to a 20-year low, constituting a...
EU grants EUR 75 million to Kosovo to help it cope with the energy crisis
The EU Ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, and Kosovo First Deputy Prime Minister, Besnik Bislimi, signed today in...

EU supports the development of Kosovo; plays a crucial role in promoting dialogue and reconciliation
“The European Union is not just a political and economic union. It is a peacebuilding project, created in the...

Winners of the 2023 EU Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Türkiye announced
The European Commission announced the 14 winners of the fifth EU Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and...

Missing persons, still an open wound in Kosovo
More than 20 years after the armed conflict in Kosovo, over 1,600 people who went missing during the war remain...

Kosovo’s economy shows resilience despite slowing growth
The economies of Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia haves surpassed...

Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue: Establishment of Joint Monitoring Committee in line with Ohrid commitments
The EU, as the Facilitator of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, together with Kosovo and Serbia, as parties to the...

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Cost-of-Living Crisis Dim Growth Prospects in Emerging Europe and Central Asia
Economic activity in the Europe and Central Asia region is likely to remain subdued this year due to the ongoing...

UNDP: 28 solar professionals ready for the green job market
Moving towards a green economy creates the need for upskilling and reskilling Kosovo’s labour force to the changing...

New EUR 62 million awarded: EU’s direct financial assistance to Kosovo exceeds EUR 1.3 billion
The EU Ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, handed over today in Pristina the 16th in a row annual Financing Agreement...

“Sustainability of local media in Kosovo” roundtable
Through the project "Strengthening Independent Media and Promoting the Security of Journalists in Kosovo" supported by...

Stronger together: Albanian speaking journalists regional networking event
3-4 March 2022: His Excellency Jason Ivory, Deputy Ambassador, British Embassy Tirana, Mr. Peter Brown, British Council Director for Western Balkans and Larisa Halilovic, Media for All Team Leader, opened the Media for All Programme event, bringing together Albanian...

The roundtable discussion “The position of journalists in the newsroom, professional ethics and the level of censorship now in the face of technological changes” was held
A roundtable discussion was held on "The position of journalists in the newsroom, professional ethics and the level of censorship now in the face of technological change." Part of the panel discussion were: Xhemajl Rexha - Chairman of the Board at JAK, Gentiana...

The roundtable discussion “The position of journalists in the newsroom, professional ethics and the level of censorship now in the face of technological changes” was held
A roundtable discussion was held on "The position of journalists in the newsroom, professional ethics and the level of censorship now in the face of technological change." Part of the panel discussion were: Xhemajl Rexha - Chairman of the Board at JAK, Gentiana...

The research “The root causes on the poor representation of women minority members as content producers in Kosovo’s media” launches
On February 8, at the Nartel Hotel, the research "Essential causes of low participation of women from minorities as media creators in the Kosovo media" was launched, prepared by the authors Shqipe Gjocaj and Dafina Halili. During this event there was a panel...
Microbrewery aims to add new flavors to Kosovo beer scene one bottle at a time
PRISTINA – Kosovo’s first microbrewery Sabaja, located just outside the city in Gracanica continues to find growing success as they enter their fourth year of business. Working with local restaurants, supermarkets and festivals, such as Beer Fest Kosova. Sabaja founder Alex Butler has made a name for himself and his partners in the Kosovo beer scene.
Recycling and clean-up programs having mixed success
In a small office south of the Bill Clinton statue in Pristina, Nora Cukaj scrolls through a picture album on Facebook. The page for her organization —Let’s Do It Kosova – is filled with pictures from projects across the country. With a bright red fingernail, she pointed at the most recent set of pictures. Two men stand in a shallow river, pulling paper and plastic from a tangle near the pillar of a bridge.
A monument highlights environmental issues, but has limitations
Nita Qena handpainted the entire monument herself last February and has been involved in the Newborn sign’s evolution since Ismaili, her husband, revealed it when Kosovo gained independence on February 17, 2008. She hoped to use environmentally-friendly paint to fit the theme, but Qena had to use oil-based paint in order for the design to handle all kinds of weather until the monument is repainted next February.

“Mixed marriage is not for the weak”: Interethnic couples in post-war Bosnia and Kosovo
In the countries that emerged from the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, where ethnic Serbs, Bosniaks, Croats – and those who do not declare an ethnic belonging – live, a mixed marriage is often seen as a "taboo“. People in...

Through education, women are strongly opposing gender stereotypes
Valbona Kadriu, a Master's student at the Faculty of Education, a mother of two, talks about the great burdens she continues to face as a student and as a mother at the same time. Valbona is just one of those women who take on the responsibilities of housework and...

The importance of perceptions: the first global initiative on perceptions of circularity
The notion of circularity has deep historical and philosophical origins. The idea of feedback, of cycles in real-world systems, is ancient and has echoes in various schools of philosophy. It enjoyed a revival in industrialized countries after World War II when the...