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Szunyog: SAA entered into force, as a first contractual relationship between the EU and Kosovo, thus defining its European perspective

Pri 7, 2022

The European Investors Council (EIC) has organized a conference on the 6th anniversary of the entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA).

On the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the entry into force of the Stabilisation and  Association Agreement, Ambassador Tomas Szunyog, Head of the EU Office and EU Special Representative in Kosovo, made the following statement.


On this day, six years ago, Stabilisation and Association Agreement entered into force, as a first contractual relationship between the EU and Kosovo, thus defining its European perspective.


Over the last six years, in cooperation with the European Union, Kosovo has been working on very important processes, including in sectors of justice, trade, education, and employment.


Political dialogue and good neighbourly relations are an important part of it.


It is a vital tool to implement the goals of the Green Agenda by switching to sustainable energy production and ensuring environmental protection.


The agreement was signed for an initial period of ten years, with the possibility for extension. The next four years should be used to achieve substantial progress.


The more the agreement is implemented, the more Kosovo will benefit.


It is ultimately the role of the Government of Kosovo to take the lead and ensure that all the obligations deriving from the Stabilisation and Association Agreement are fulfilled, with the support and in cooperation with the Assembly, civil society, and the private sector.


The EU is your partner, and we stand ready to help. Together we can make a difference.