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Annea Hapçiu and the Miami University Students

Qer 7, 2019

Annea Hapciu, Innovation Advisor at KosovaLive, spoke to ten Miami University exchange students in Kosovo, about the innovative projects that KosovaLive has been implementing in using media as a means of education, dialogue and equality. 

She also shared how her own experience as an exchange student, enabled her to identify needs in society and address them through innovative models that led to effective programs, which ensured long term change-making. 




Re-Establishment of the SDG Council in the Assembly of Kosovo

Re-Establishment of the SDG Council in the Assembly of Kosovo

Assembly of Kosovo, under the guidance of the Speaker of the House, has committed to re-initiate the establishment of the SDG Council in a ceremony which will emphasize the importance that all countries give to Agenda 2030, and that despite the setback from COVID-19, we should not lose sight of the Sustainable development Goals.