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Call for applications

Pri 26, 2019

Call for Applications! Apply here:

In our CircMedia: Systems Thinking Workshop we will be introducing a systems thinking mindset and sharing insights on how we can enable the circular economy to flourish in Kosova, as part of our #MediaforEducationcomponent of work.

Who can apply: Youth, young professionals, entrepreneurs, 
Ages: 16-35
Professions: any profession/field of study
From: Anywhere in Kosova (Only for Kosovar citizens)
There are: 35 spots
Cost: Free to attend
Working Language: English
Place of Workshop: KosovaLive, in Prishtina, Kosova.

Deadline: Sunday, 5 May 2019, by 23:59.

Selected applicants will be notified via email and text message.

This project is financed by the #EuropeanUnion, supported by #Env.netAdvocacy Training and Resource Center – ATRC and implemented by Kosovalive