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Szunyog: Respect for the rule of law and court decisions is a fundamental European value and key for any progress

Sht 24, 2021

Statement by Tomáš Szunyog, Head of the EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative

I welcome today’s statement of the Constitutional Court requiring Kosovo authorities to execute all past Court decisions, and the decision on non-enforcement of two judgements, including the 2016 decision in the property case of the Visoki Decani Monastery. Failure to execute decisions of the Constitutional Court violates both the Constitution and the basic principles of the rule of law.

I call on the authorities to take steps in ensuring that the Constitutional Court decisions, including the decision allowing the Decani Monastery land registration, as well as other rulings of judicial authorities, are executed swiftly and in a non-arbitrary manner.

The EU is dedicated to Kosovo’s development. Respect for the rule of law and court decisions is a fundamental European value and key for any progress. It benefits all in Kosovo. Our goal is clear. We see Kosovo with a European perspective, sharing common values.